Jun 25, 2015


The Ford Motor Company has announced a new electric bike to make commuting easier than ever! The Ford MoDe: Flex smartbike will feature an electric motor as well as pedals to allow you to bike to work without getting sweaty. In keeping with Ford’s emphasis on technology, this is truly a “smartbike” that is capable of detecting potholes and making the handlebars vibrate to warn the rider about the upcoming hazard. The smartbike will interact with your smartphone, allowing you to set up a “no sweat” mode which makes it so you barely have to pedal to get where you are going. Or you can pedal to your heart’s content.  The best part, though, is that the Mode: Flex is designed to fit in the trunk of every single Ford vehicle. Thanks to its brilliant design, this smartbike can be broken down into two pieces and comfortably stored in the trunk of a Ford Focus.


Ford Mode Flex Smartbike NH

The Ford Mode: Flex smartbike is designed to make commuting a breeze! Best of all, it fits comfortably in every Ford.